We are trying a new entry program, Ring Radar. If you have any trouble entering please email secretary@cvsja.com. You can enter at: https://www.ringradar.com/339/show-info/ or search CVSJA on Ring Radar.
A couple of differences to note:
WARM UPs are listed under fees, not listed as individual classes.
TIP numbers are entered with the horse information.
VHSA numbers for the rider are under rider information and for the horse under horse information.
If you do not have a current coggins on file that still needs to be emailed to health@cvsja.com.
PAYMENT - You will be asked to keep a credit card on file. We will still accept checks and cash. We ask that everyone please check out at the secretary stand to make sure we have your bill correct before payment is made.
Please let us know if you have any questions or problems entering the show.
We look forward to seeing everyone in October!