Alia Fagerburg Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to junior CVSJA members 21 years and younger, by the Fagerburg and Grimes family in honor of Alia. Horses were Alia’s first love and the bond she shared with her horse partners is their greatest memory. Alia’s family recognizes that horsemanship and the relationships we have with horses is very special. They want to encourage and support other young riders to seek these special bonds.
If you want to be considered for this scholarship you must submit an original essay describing what horse partnerships, you have or had and what they mean to you. Essays should be approximately 500 words and will be judged and awarded by Alia’s family.
Please send an email to, include your Name, Age, Name of Horse, and an email address at the top of your submission.
The Submission Deadline is October 15th, 2023